High-Performance Computing (HPC)
It’s more important than ever to have HPC resources that can tackle your toughest challenges. The technology that powers today’s biggest breakthroughs — including simulation, data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and more — demands robust, scalable compute power. With Altair’s industry-leading HPC tools, you can seamlessly orchestrate, visualize, analyze, and optimize your most demanding workloads.
High-Performance Computing (HPC)
In today’s world, it’s vital to have access to HPC resources that can tackle whatever you throw at them. Simulation, data storage and analysis, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) technology all demand robust, scalable compute power. With Altair’s industry-leading HPC tools, you can seamlessly orchestrate, visualize, analyze, and optimize your most demanding workloads.
High-Performance Computing (HPC)
Having industry-leading compute power gives today’s organizations an invaluable advantage and helps them turn dreams into deliverables. With Altair’s world-class HPC solutions, users can visualize, orchestrate, analyze, and optimize even the toughest workloads to deliver the next big breakthrough — all in a seamless, intuitive environment.
High-Performance Computing (HPC)
With Altair’s intuitive, comprehensive HPC solution suite, you can deliver unmatched computing performance that’ll fuel your organization’s next big breakthrough. With Altair’s tools, you can seamlessly orchestrate, visualize, analyze, and optimize any workload and do it all quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.
Why Altair HPC Solutions
Altair offers the most comprehensive HPC solutions portfolio in the world. Our customers rely on Altair to optimize across the many critical dimensions of modern infrastructure — from advanced scheduling for CPUs and GPUs to optimizing for software licenses, I/O and storage requirements, and more. Our multi-dimensional HPC solutions bridge on-premises and cloud resources and can schedule everything from your highest throughput to your most highly parallel jobs, from anywhere.
Our team of global experts support our enterprise-grade solutions to provide you with unmatched performance, productivity, and reliability. Whether you’re a world-leading company or a brand-new startup, Altair’s HPC solutions and world-class staff help your team accelerate time-to-market, avoid costly downtime, increase technology ROI, and improve profit margins to achieve breakthrough results.
Learn more about Altair® HPCWorks®, our HPC and cloud platform.
Learn MoreOur Solutions
Workload Management and Cloud Computing
With the largest workload management toolset in the industry, you’ll improve productivity, optimize utilization and efficiency, and simplify administration for clusters, clouds, and supercomputers — from the biggest HPC workloads to millions of small, high-throughput jobs.
HPC Usability and Remote Visualization
Eliminate technology headaches so you can focus on the work that matters most. Altair provides simple, powerful interfaces for end users to submit and monitor jobs on remote clusters, clouds, and other resources, and puts high-end, 3D visualization at your fingertips.
View ProductsLicense Management
Visualize, analyze, and optimize enterprise-wide software to optimize cost and productivity. Altair’s license management suite gives users real-time insight into software license availability, right-sizes your organization’s software portfolio, maximizes license usage, and more.
Turnkey HPC Solutions
Our Altair Unlimited HPC solutions fuse software, system administration, and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in state-of-the-art appliances, available on-premises and in the cloud. Access Altair and third-party software, like our solvers for mechanics, fluids, and much more.
Access to HPC, Software, and Data All in One Place
Access engineering, analytics, and scalable computing resources together with Altair One™. With it, you can provision resources anywhere, run cloud versions of your favorite software, collaborate without large data downloads, and access cloud-native applications like the Material Data Center and DesignAI.
Altair solutions make it possible to use our supercomputers effectively and efficiently, which in turn helps accelerate the research and innovation of our users.
- Stephen Wong | Technical Director, NSCC Singapore -
This new system is a major step forward in supercomputing power, providing the scientific community with the most cutting-edge technology to better understand the Earth system.
- Anke Kamrath | Director, NCAR Computational and Information Systems Laboratory -
Accelerator improved our time to market for the Matterhorn USB4 retimer. Being efficient in engineering keeps us on track with goals, tapeout dates, and milestones.
- Anant Singh | Vice President, Engineering, Kandou -
Featured Resources

Revolutionizing the HPC Landscape - NSCC and Altair Collaborate to Connect HPC Communities and Optimize Resources
The National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) is the steward of Singapore’s high-performance computing (HPC) petascale facilities, including the ASPIRE 2A supercomputer. When the NSCC team needed to automate their processes and partner with organizations across the globe to combine compute power, they needed a solution that would let users run workloads using a global pool of resources, with the right workload running in the right place. As long-time Altair users, they were familiar with the quality of Altair’s solutions, elite support, and community resources, and chose to work with Altair to design a solution that met these requirements with Altair® Liquid Scheduling™. Liquid Scheduling extends the Altair HPC stack already deployed at NSCC, taking the Altair® PBS Professional® workload manager to another level of scalability and performance.

Simulating Supernovas in 3D - University Researchers Advance Space Science with Argonne HPC Resources
Everything in our world and beyond is made from a common set of materials — elements — that combine to become the diverse collection of matter all around us. When a star dies, going supernova in a spectacular explosion, it releases massive quantities of these elements. But how and why stars go supernova remains a mystery, and researchers from Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley are using supercomputers at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), including the powerful Polaris supercomputer, to enable 3D supernova simulation. Polaris is boosted by GPUs and equipped with workload orchestration by Altair® PBS Professional®, which automates job scheduling, management, monitoring, and reporting. Efficient workload management is critical for large, complex workloads like these. Enabled by powerful HPC, the researchers have created "the largest collection of sophisticated 3D supernova simulations ever performed."

Raising Innovation to the Cloud
Otis Mobility is the global leader in elevators and related equipment, designing and manufacturing mobility technology found in buildings all over the world. When they needed increased compute power to address their two main challenges – product optimization and standardizing product research and development – they looked to the cloud. Altair One™ is a collaborative platform with scalable cloud high-performance computing (HPC) resources and ready access to critical simulation solvers. Users can deploy the software they need, powered by a seamless license system, and use cloud HPC resources to get results faster, gaining a competitive edge while delivering safer, more efficient products. Without having to manage the high costs of maintaining an on-premises cluster, users get HPC resources when they need it. The team at Otis Mobility experienced a staggering decrease in HPC related costs.

Designing Safer Automobiles – Subaru Migrates HPC to the Cloud with Altair and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Subaru puts safety first by practicing human-oriented manufacturing, and the company's goal is to achieve zero fatal traffic accidents by 2030 – a goal they're using high-performance computing (HPC) to achieve. Subaru has long maintained its own HPC environment for simulation, but as computational processing requirements increased, they ran into a shortage of power and space for expansion. After initially exploring a private cloud, Subaru investigated public cloud options and selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) with workload management by Altair PBS Professional. The move was a large-scale operation that was completed in around six weeks – a significantly shorter deployment time than the 3-4 months it would typically take to expand an on-premises HPC environment. In addition to performance optimizations like increasing per-node memory capacity, the Subaru team reduced the amount of data transfer required by setting up remote preprocessing.