Unlimited Access
Teams need access to the tools of innovation, from anywhere, to keep business moving forward. Altair One® provides seamless access to your software, scalable computing resources, and data from any device, whether you’re in the office or an ocean away.

A Marketplace of Innovation Tools at Your Fingertips
Access an ever-expanding set of tools from Altair and beyond, from any device, in the Altair One Marketplace. From simulation software to solver technology and on-demand IT applications, Altair One brings the power of today’s leading innovation-enablement tools together in your favorite browser. Through Altair Units, Altair One gives innovators the power to explore different technologies without restrictive licensing limitations.

Access Software, Data, and Collaborate with Your Team from Anywhere
Altair One gives you the freedom to run applications in the cloud on any device, so you can harness the power of your favorite tools anytime. View, edit, share, comment, and collaborate with your team from anywhere. Back in the office? Access and download desktop applications through Altair One just as seamlessly.

Seamless Scaling for Every Job
Tap the compute power you need to solve your toughest problems without being an HPC expert. Run complex HPC solver jobs and provision turnkey, scalable simulation appliances in just a few mouse clicks. Altair One gives you seamless access to the same Altair workload management technology powering the world’s fastest supercomputers through a simple, user-friendly interface so you can scale, optimize, and accelerate every workload.

Access Cloud Native Applications
Tap into data and insight-rich tools that were built for the cloud and are only accessible in Altair One. Leverage the Altair Material Data Center™ to access the accurate multi-domain material properties you need to create sustainable, efficient, minimum-weight designs. Browse, search, and compare materials in a standalone application or through the interface of our simulation and optimization tools.
Access the next evolution of generative design, exclusively in Altair One: Altair DesignAI™ combines physics-based, simulation-driven design and machine-learning-based, AI-driven design to identify high-potential designs earlier in development cycles. Augment product design practices and multiply the productivity of engineering teams with AI technology to explore a broader population of customer-pleasing, high-performing, meaningful, and manufacturable new product design alternatives.