Altair Philippines
The Philippines boasts one of Southeast Asia’s most vibrant, dynamic economies and is a haven for those who enjoy living in a fast-paced, rapidly growing environment. Our Pasig City office is located near the heart of Metro Manila, the country’s booming capital and a source of endless wonder, opportunity, and historical intrigue.
Our Culture at Altair
“Working at Altair is like working at your second home. You can be who and what you want to be not just career-wise but within yourself. As a proud trans woman, Altair embraced me for who I am. Looking past gender, color, race and age, this company values all the hard work that you put in and will show you a clear path for career growth.”
Meet Our Country Leader
Altair is driven by curious, passionate, self-driven, and fun-loving individuals of high caliber who seek technology firsts, challenge the norm, and impact the way people live; sometimes, our wide portfolio of tools leads us to be called ‘tech magicians.’ At times when we shift gears from discussing degaussing system optimization to minimize magnetic signature of warships for avoiding mine trigger; to propensity analytics for mitigating risks in disposing loans by a bank through optimizing computation time and resources on their high performance computing (HPC) infrastructures for weather bureaus. Geeky, but the people are compassionate and always stand for each other at times of professional, personal, and emotional needs, and helps Altair retain talented, passionate people. This wonderful journey over multiple decades wouldn’t have been possible without a strong leadership that envisions the future and keeps Altairians motivated.
Srirangam R Srirangarajan