Cutting Edge Simulation Company, AnalySwift, Joins the Altair Partner Alliance (APA)
AnalySwift is a university spinout company with cutting edge simulation software for composites and other advanced materials. Having recently joined the APA, AnalySwift provides the powerful capabilities of VABS, a general-purpose cross-sectional analysis tool for computing beam properties and 3D stresses and strains of slender composite structures.
“We are excited to join the APA and look forward to complementing the powerful capabilities available from Altair’s tools, particularly for users seeking to optimize accuracy and efficiency in their simulation of composite rotor blades and other advanced slender structures,” said Allan Wood, president and CEO of AnalySwift.
VABS is a powerful tool for modeling composite helicopter and wind turbine rotor blades, as well as other slender composite structures, like propellers, landing gear, high-aspect ratio wings, composite tubes, and more. The tool is capable of rigorously reducing an original 3D slender solid with complex cross-sections into simple engineering beam models.
With continuous development funded by the U.S. Army spanning over 30 years for performance and robustness, VABS' accuracy has been extensively verified by its developers and users. It can calculate ply-level details with the accuracy of 3D finite element analysis (FEA) in seconds on a typical laptop computer.
Many industries can benefit from VABS including aircrafts, rotorcrafts, architecture, automotive, consulting services, electronics, consumer goods, and more.
Altair offers on-demand access to a broad spectrum of software applications from over 55 companies participating in the APA. Customers can leverage a wide range of software tools from a centralized source, helping them reduce time to market, increase intelligent design, and make smarter decisions faster.
To learn more about VABS, click here to register for our introductory webinar, scheduled on July 9, 2020.

VABS offers analysis for computing beam properties and 3D stresses and strains of composite beams
VABS offers an unprecedented combination of efficiency and accuracy for composite beam modeling. Saving orders of magnitude in computing time without a loss of accuracy, engineers can consider more design options and arrive at the best solution more quickly in order to accelerate time to market while reducing costs.“We are excited to join the APA and look forward to complementing the powerful capabilities available from Altair’s tools, particularly for users seeking to optimize accuracy and efficiency in their simulation of composite rotor blades and other advanced slender structures,” said Allan Wood, president and CEO of AnalySwift.
VABS is a powerful tool for modeling composite helicopter and wind turbine rotor blades, as well as other slender composite structures, like propellers, landing gear, high-aspect ratio wings, composite tubes, and more. The tool is capable of rigorously reducing an original 3D slender solid with complex cross-sections into simple engineering beam models.
With continuous development funded by the U.S. Army spanning over 30 years for performance and robustness, VABS' accuracy has been extensively verified by its developers and users. It can calculate ply-level details with the accuracy of 3D finite element analysis (FEA) in seconds on a typical laptop computer.

Calculate ply-level details with the accuracy of high-fidelity 3D FEA in seconds
VABS can be used for any slender composite part, where one dimension is much longer than the other two. Examples of this are helicopter rotor blades and landing gear, composite beams and tubes in construction, and wind turbine rotor blades for the energy industry.Many industries can benefit from VABS including aircrafts, rotorcrafts, architecture, automotive, consulting services, electronics, consumer goods, and more.
Altair offers on-demand access to a broad spectrum of software applications from over 55 companies participating in the APA. Customers can leverage a wide range of software tools from a centralized source, helping them reduce time to market, increase intelligent design, and make smarter decisions faster.
To learn more about VABS, click here to register for our introductory webinar, scheduled on July 9, 2020.