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Waste: a big problem with many IoT solutions

The Internet of Things is useful in many sectors and also has benefits for our Environment. The process of recycling starts always when we put the waste in their correct recycling bin and ends in the treatment plants for glass, paper, textile... but in the middle there are many things that our cities, our Smart Cities can do. Here are some examples of companies working NOW in this area.
Enevo is one of the many companies around the world developing sensors to convert existing waste containers into IoT objects. The data tell us if the container is full or not and automatically generates trends which the system analyses to generate pickup routes to collect the waste. Here is a real example in the Municipality of Rotterdam (Netherlands) with Enevo´s Sensors:
Bigbelly is another player who has a Smart Waste and Recycling System. Instead of upgrading the existing containers, their concept is to replace them with their own bin with a compactor system that presses the garbage down and allows eight times more waste than a conventional container. You can see how it works here:
Technology is nice but recycling demands the citizens commitment in the process. That is why it is also interesting to take a look at project like the one in Alcalá de Xivert (Spain) where citizens receive benefits by recycling! Formato Verde is the company who runs it through special bins for waste in the area. Citizens are invited to participate and receive a RFID card who allows to open the bin and leave the waste in each container distinguishing between: paper, plastic or organics. In this way citizens win green points who reduce the garbage municipal tax...GREAT!
You can see a video here ( in spanish but you can see the idea works)
These are just a few example of companies developing IoT solutions for a better sustainable world.
You read can more information about this companies in their websites: