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Artificial Intelligence and the Era of Accelerated Computing

Artificial intelligence (AI) — after rapidly evolving from science fiction to reality — is closer than ever to becoming a mandatory tool for staying ahead of the competition and optimizing work in a range of areas, from science to manufacturing to national security. One technology propelling AI-enabled advances is the graphics processing unit (GPU), which has risen as a critical accelerator.

Altair is working with NVIDIA to enable the era of AI with fast, reliable, powerful computing and software.

Building AI-Enabling Technology

Essential building blocks of the AI data center are NVIDIA DGX systems, the universal platform for all AI infrastructure, from analytics to training to inference. DGX A100 systems set a new bar for compute density, packing five petaflops of AI performance into a 6U form factor, replacing legacy infrastructure silos with one platform for every AI workload.

The NVIDIA DGX-Ready Software program features machine learning operations (MLOps) solutions that accelerate AI workflows and improve the deployment, accessibility, and utilization of AI infrastructure. The industry-leading Altair® PBS Professional® workload manager is certified as part of the DGX-Ready Software program and is built to optimize GPU-accelerated code, boosting efficiency and resource optimization. PBS Professional also supports NVIDIA Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) with up to seven instances per GPU.

All-In-One Infrastructure

NVIDIA DGX A100 with workload orchestration by PBS Professional enables enterprises to consolidate training, inference, and analytics into a unified, easy-to-deploy AI infrastructure — with support from experts at Altair and NVIDIA.

“As enterprises grow their successes in AI, they’re seeking to easily manage the work of developers and data scientists across their infrastructure,” says John Barco, senior director of product management, NVIDIA. “Altair’s NVIDIA DGX-Ready Software certification provides customers with a workload management solution to optimize MLOps across their development and deployment pipeline.”

Accelerating the Era of AI

PBS Professional will enable enterprises to use AI as a mission-critical tool to improve prediction, precision, development, and more. Altair is committed to pushing the era of AI ahead with NVIDIA and making these technologies more efficient and accessible than ever.

Learn more about the NVIDIA DGX-Ready Software program.