A Sustainable Robot Retrofit - Reducing Power Consumption and Saving Resources Via Hardware Updates

amprove is a service provider for the development of lightweight structural components for the industrial machinery and other industry sectors. Pursuing a simulation-driven development approach, amprove aspires to maximize each component’s performance. To demonstrate the potential of lightweight design, amprove developed a new, energy-efficient pick-and-place robot.
In addition to choosing the best manufacturing method for each component, the aim of optimizing the robot was to reduce the weight of the moving machine parts, shorten cycle times, and minimize energy consumption. Altair’s solutions empowered amprove to investigate various areas of the pick-and-place robot to find the best manufacturing method and optimize the components’ structure. Through the reduction of components, the team successfully minimized assembly effort and simplified handling, resulting in reduced manufacturing and assembly costs. By optimizing four of the robot’s components, the overall moving mass was decreased, leading to a significant reduction in energy consumption during operation.