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Accelerating Antenna Design - Reduced Phased Array Antenna Design Time by 25% with Altair Feko®

Accelerating Antenna Design - Reduced Phased Array Antenna Design Time by 25% with Altair Feko®

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RF2B is a wireless design services company offering custom antenna design and validation services across air interfaces and bands. RF2B developed a phased array antenna proof of concept design for small cell Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) base stations at 3.5GHz for its customer Menlo Micro, who develops high performance RF MEMS switch integrated circuits. Menlo Micro developed a reference design for 3.5GHz MEMS Based Differential Delay Shifter (DDS) using its RF switches that can be a great building block for electronically scanning antenna array in place of traditional phase shifters, which are band limited as well as expensive. Altair Feko comes with a feature called finite array analysis, plus a built-in script that synthesizes the antenna array. These features significantly sped up the high-level trade off analysis due to model building acceleration and lower memory consumption leading to much quicker simulation times, which is critical during the high-level design phase.

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