Curing, Cracking and Distortions in Epoxy Composites. Simulating Manufacturing Processes using Finite Element Approach

This presentation is by Dr. Tomasz Garstka and Graham Barnes, LMAT Ltd.
Manufacturing induced deformations and residual stresses are an unavoidable consequence of processing composites at elevated temperatures. A number of mechanisms have been identified causing residual stresses and distortions, including mismatch in the thermal expansion, cure shrinkage of the resin, consolidation and tool-part interaction. These mechanisms usually act collectively through the curing process and may lead to severe changes in the laminate characteristic. When cured and exposed to natural environment moisture swelling, as well as subsequent stress relaxation mechanisms lead to further geometrical changes. A novel cure simulation solver is demonstrated here with the application to typical aircraft components.
The recording is about 10 minutes long and was originally presented at the 2020 ATCx Composites.