Digital Technology Enables Novel Waste-to-Fuels Process: IChemE Global Awards 2020 Presentation

The IChemE Global Awards have announced CPFD Software as Highly Commended for a second consecutive year. CPFD’s joint entry, together with ThermoChem Recovery International, USA (TRI), is entitled Digital Technology Enables Novel Waste-to-Fuels Process, and highlights TRI’s digitalization journey with Barracuda Virtual Reactor culminating in the conversion of municipal solid waste (MSW) to jet fuel. TRI has developed and commercialized a novel waste-to-fuels technology that is truly sustainable, versatile and economically competitive with fossil fuels. Diverse waste streams are converted into renewable fuels and chemicals in a process that reduces waste, improves efficiency and reduces environmental impact. CPFD’s Virtual Reactor simulation technology was at the heart of a digital syngas model which was validated and utilized at test, pilot and commercial stages enabling TRI to develop and scale the technology in a flexible, rapid and commercially viable manner.