Increasing Design Optimization and Confidence Through Advanced Weld Fatigue Analysis and Simulation

Welding is a commonly used technique in different industries to join two metal parts. Parts that are welded, tend to fatigue in the welded regions, even in a well-designed structure. Therefore, it is necessary to make a fatigue assessment of the welded joints. The fatigue assessment of welded parts should be highly prioritized to ensure a good evaluation of the durability of the weld structure. There are different types of approaches that can be used to evaluate the fatigue life of welds. This presentation illustrates how different welding methods such as spot welds or seam welds are considered in nCode DesignLife software which can be used within the Altair partnership program. This webinar deals with Shell/Solids and Spot welds modeled with nCode DesignLife. It starts with the theoretical approaches, goes on with the modeling techniques and shows the results in DesignLife.