Altair® Inspire™ Optimization Workflow
This series of videos shows users how to use Inspire from start to finish. Examples include defining the design space, analyzing dynamic motion, conducting topology optimization studies, designing for additive manufacturing, verifying designs, and configuring assemblies.
Geometry Creation and Simplification
Create, modify, and de-feature solid models using Inspire's modeling tools. Leverage the speed and accuracy of SimSolid to evaluate multiple variants.
Dynamic Motion Analysis
Easily generate dynamic motion of complex mechanisms, automatically identifying contacts, joints, springs, and dampers.
Topology Optimization Study
Inspire offers a number of topology options including: optimization objectives, stress and displacement constraints, acceleration, gravity, and temperature loading conditions.
Verify Final Designs
Investigate linear static and normal modes analysis on a model and visualize displacement, factor of safety, percent of yield, tension and compression, von Mises stress, and major principal stress.
Assembly Configuration using Inspire with SimSolid Integration
Create multiple assembly configurations which can then be used to evaluate various design scenarios and the resulting concepts.