It’s Time to Stop Operating in the Margins and Harness the Full Potential of Simulation

Dr. Royston Jones, Global CTO, Altair Consultancy, discusses how the global pandemic has been a catalyst for companies to harness the potential of simulation by reconfiguring their established design processes and traditional organizational structures. Technologies and methods that can deliver design feedback at the speed of development are already available; reducing expensive physical testing while injecting innovation into a company’s product. The rapid evolution towards a connected everything is having a huge effect on design. From autonomous and electric mobility to smart consumer products with new business models, development teams must now integrate simulations of controls systems into complex multi-physics models enriched by data captured by sensors in the field. Especially during concept development when rapid exploration of design ideas is essential, a full embrace of simulation will be essential to compete.
The recording is about 19 minutes long, and was presented at the 2020 Global Altair Technology conference.