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Maximizing Data Resources: ISI's VISTA Lab Speeds Up Machine Learning Research and Lowers Expenses

Maximizing Data Resources: ISI's VISTA Lab Speeds Up Machine Learning Research and Lowers Expenses

Read the Customer Story

The Information Sciences Institute (ISI) is a world leader in research and development of advanced information processing, computing, and communications technologies one of the nation's largest, most successful university-affiliated computer research institutes. ISI's Video, Image, Speech and Text Analytics (VISTA) lab makes extensive use of machine learning in a variety of application areas such as facial identification, natural language processing, and handwriting recognition.

VISTA selected Altair Grid Engine to manage growing infrastructure and accelerate its machine learning research. Key contributing factors for VISTA's decision to transition to Altair Grid Engine over other vendors included built-in advanced GPU support, detailed documentation, ongoing product upgrades, and expert support.

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