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Navigating the Data and Analytics Maturity Curve: Strategies for Excellence

Navigating the Data and Analytics Maturity Curve: Strategies for Excellence

Presentation by Vasilij Nevlev, Director at Analytium as part of Altair's Future.Industry 2024 conference.

In this presentation, we explore the transformative journey of data and analytics maturity within organizations. Focusing on Analytium's strategic approach to developing a comprehensive business data strategy, we delve into methodologies that guide businesses from foundational reporting and dashboarding towards advanced analytics and AI-driven decision-making. By highlighting the progression through predictive, prescriptive, and cognitive analytics stages, we demonstrate how companies can unlock significant value and complexity management. Through real-world examples and best practices, we aim to equip attendees with the insights needed to navigate the data maturity curve effectively, ensuring their organisations are not just surviving but thriving in the data-driven era. Stay until the end of the presentation to receive an exclusive invite to our online assessment tool.

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