New Simulation Strategies to Slash Architectural, Engineering & Construction Project Timing and Costs

Leading design firms join Altair to discuss high-fidelity simulation solutions for all experience levels to realize efficiency gains up to 40%. Today, architectural design firms face two primary and often conflicting challenges: increased project complexity and compressed delivery schedules. Due to the large scale nature of AEC projects, frequent change orders, and on-time delivery pressure, more often than not the ability to use traditional simulation methods for design guidance and validation is simply time and resource prohibitive. This situation is further exacerbated when trying to achieve an aggressive design aesthetic, working with new materials, and balancing form and function with sustainability initiatives and construction safety standards. Recent user experience advancements and the introduction of novel simulation technologies now enable a broader community of designers and civil engineers to confidently and rapidly apply simulation earlier and throughout AEC projects. This webinar will explore this transformational shift and its positive business impact on project timing and costs through the lens of leading AEC design firms and thought leaders at Altair.