Sizing Up Voyager's 5G Network 10X Faster - NVIDIA Finds Dramatic Time, Cost Savings with Altair's 5G Wireless Network Solution
NVIDIA needed help planning a 5G network for its Voyager building that would support multi-access edge computing (MEC) applications and leverage the unlicensed Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band. A challenge was the 150 MHz limit within the CBRS spectrum. To address the challenge, Altair developed a surrogate model covering all aspects of the Voyager building’s wireless propagation and performed a two-part 5G network analysis with specifications for duplex separation, transmission modes, numerology and channel bandwidth, UL/DL slot structure, data streams, radio unit positions, and individual antennae transmit power. In short, Altair’s network planning, simulation and optimization solution revealed the optimum number of radio units that would produce the desired throughput for the Voyager building, saved NVIDIA time and costs by eliminating physical testing, and produced an optimal 5G network design 10 times faster than traditional design and testing methods.