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Practical Design of Motor Drive Systems Using PSIM

Practical Design of Motor Drive Systems Using PSIM

PSIM is a purpose built tool for the design and simulation of power electronics and motor drives. PSIM was acquired by Altair in March of this year with the acquisition of Powersim, which had developed and sold PSIM for more than 25 years. In this webinar, we will investigate how PSIM can help you solve pressing and complex issues for motor drive design focusing on the power electronics and inverter. We will highlight some integrations with other complimentary Altair tools that will provide some novel and powerful solutions for our users as they strive to reduce costs and development time for their electrification projects. One feature will enable users to quickly understand the losses and efficiency of the motor drive system including the dynamics of changing temperatures and operating conditions, while considering the switching and conduction losses of a particular active switch. Another novel simulation solution will enable conducted EMI of a motor drive to be studied, which will drive design decisions during the initial design instead of during discovery in the test chamber. Please join us for this webinar to see how we can help you solve your unique challenges relating to your power electronics in your electrification development.

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