The Importance of Computing to Our Data-Driven Future, by Intel
To increase the pace of product innovation, manufacturers are becoming more reliant on simulation-driven design, virtual validation, and real-time photorealistic visualization methods, so are depending on massive caches of product design and evolving simulation data to fuel AI-powered decision-making and digital twin representations.
Intel is at the cutting edge of this data-driven future, understanding the technologies fueling innovation and delivering the computing power to realize their true potential.
Jim Jeffers leads a team that is collaborating across industries like HPC and Manufacturing to connect traditionally independent computational tasks like simulation, data wrangling, AI-based data analysis and visualization into seamless workflows with fast, up to real-time, turnaround to results and decision-making. For example, Jim's teams are working with major OEMs on ADAS and autonomous driving, allowing them to virtually simulate thousands or millions of real-world scenarios virtually with photorealistic accuracy. Find out how advances in simulation, data analytics, and computing are working in concert to make the impossible a reality.