Tailored Solutions
As part of Altair's commitment to enable its customers to create innovative design solutions efficiently, our services group regularly tailors specific solutions to meet your unique requirements, embedding our simulation platform with client-specific intelligence.

Packaged Solution Portfolio
After many years of creating tailored solutions for our clients, we found select engineering groups require modifications to our core software experience to reduce manual work and maximize design efficiency. To address this, we created a series of packaged solution offerings (PSOs) that leverage your investment in Altair's licensing model. Developed, implemented, and supported by our consulting team, our PSOs are rapidly deployed and customized to meet your unique processes.
We offer pre- and post-processing, computer-aided engineering (CAE) / test data correlation, engineering analytics, geomechanics, impact simulation analysis, quality and noise, weld fatigue assessment, multi-disciplinary optimization, automated reporting director, and enterprise reports, definition, auto-creation, and publishing.

When You Need More
We know that our PSOs may not cover everything, which is why our consulting team is available to work alongside your engineering groups to identify inefficiencies in your design processes and suggest tailored modifications to our core products to solve your specific design challenges.