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Advanced Cure Simulation by LMAT

Simulate Curing Reactions in Composite Materials

Advanced Cure Simulation (ACS) is a unique solution that allows users to predict polymerization, residual stress buildup, and deformations during composite processing.

The ACS platform was developed to simulate curing reactions in composite materials as well as development of residual stresses and distortions in composite components after manufacture.

Typical distorted components may cause problems during assembly, which can significantly increase product cost and hindering its in-service performance. The application of ACS simulations in the area of autoclave curing processes reduces process development costs and increases composite product quality.

Why Advanced Cure Simulation?

Residual Stresses and Cracking

ACS lets users predict process-induced residual stresses and the risk of cracking in epoxy composites.

Tooling Compensation

Composites sometimes distort during manufacture, which can cause assembly issues. ACS lets users predict composite deformation and the compensated tooling shape.

Fully Integrated in Altair® HyperWorks®

ACS is fully integrated in the HyperWorks simulation workflow, making it easier to use for existing Altair customers.

Key Features

Process Simulation

ACS allows users to simulate polymerization processes and the development of residual stresses in composite production. Tooling geometries help users get things right the first time.

Exothermic Heat Prediction

Helps users predict exothermic heat during composite curing.

Residual Stress Simulation

ACS empowers users to simulate process-induced residual stresses and deformations during composite processing.