Available Modules
GUI: The Graphical User Interface (GUI) gives users access to functionality needed to set up a project file, generate a grid, start a calculation, monitor, and change run parameters (even while a calculation proceeds), perform restarts, and generate semi-automated post-processor graphics using Tecplot for Barracuda. The GUI pre-processor levels with the Solver and with the Tecplot for Barracuda post-processor. The GUI also levels with all other instances of the GUI.
Solver: The Barracuda Virtual Reactor Solver takes project input parameters and calculates the transient evolution of the 3D fluid-particle hydrodynamics and heat transfer of the system, and outputs the data across a variety of data formats for concurrent or subsequent post-processing. One (1) Chemistry module is required when running the Solver for projects involving chemical reactions. At least one (1) GPU Token module is required to enable parallelization. Multiple Solver instances stack with each other.
Chemistry: The module enables chemical reactions within the Barracuda Virtual Reactor solver, which otherwise simulates the heat transfer, particle flow, and fluid dynamics of the system. Chemistry in Barracuda Virtual Reactor can occur between all phases in the domain (gas/vapor, liquid, solid).
GPU Token: A GPU Token module gives access to parallelization via GPU technology. Each instance of this module corresponds to adding unlimited cores from a singular GPU card to an instance of the solver. Multiple GPU Token modules can
be added per solver. GPU acceleration is typically orders of magnitude faster than the base solver and allows otherwise practically impossible models (in terms of complexity, time scale, and resolution) to become feasible.
Post-Processor: Tecplot for Barracuda: Tecplot 360 is a leading post-processing software in CFD data visualization. Barracuda Virtual Reactor is enhanced with visualization software from Tecplot, Inc., known as Tecplot for Barracuda. Tecplot for Barracuda enables visualization and analysis of data generated by Barracuda Virtual Reactor only. Tecplot for Barracuda levels with the GUI and the Solver. It also levels with all other instances of Tecplot for Barracuda.