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Design of General Antennas and Scattering by Large Structures

Real-world antennas don’t exist alone – instead, they’re used in proximity to other antennas and often mounted on a structure or platform. Predictions of antenna performance may depend on accurate modeling of antenna placement. This type of prediction is what ESTEAM is designed for.

Parameterized objects are available to build models of various geometries and antennas, and if combined with TICRA’s GRASP tool – also available via the APA – a wide range of parameterized reflector geometries are also available. More complex structures may be imported through CAD files in STEP or IGES formats.



Installed Antenna Performance

Include all details of antenna systems to design, analyze, and validate complex antenna installations.


Best-in-Class Full-Wave Solver

Features higher accuracy and lower memory requirements for electrically large problems than other full-wave solvers.


Seamless TICRA Tools Compatibility

Take optimized designs from other TICRA Tools products the last step before production with a detailed model validation in ESTEAM.

Key Features

State-of-the-Art Higher-Order MoM Solver

Based on special higher-order basis functions, ESTEAM is the most powerful full-wave solver on the market.

MLFMM Tailored to Higher-Order MoM

To handle electrically very large problems, ESTEAM is enhanced with an advanced Multi-Level Fast-Multipole Method (MLFMM) implementation.

Flexible Geometry Definition

Use built-in geometry shapes, including wires, boxes, BoR, and clusters of any of these, as well as imported CAD files to define antenna systems.

Model Material Properties

Analysis of structures with composite metallic, dielectric, and magnetic materials.

Waveguide Ports and Imported Sources

ESTEAM antenna problems may be excited by numerous types of sources, such as waveguide ports, generators, and imported (simulated or measured) patterns.

Radar Cross Section

Using the powerful MLFMM algorithm, compute the monostatic radar cross section (RCS).