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FE Dummy Models by Humanetics

Human Body Simulation in Crash Testing

FE Dummy Models is a large suite of highly detailed and validated finite element crash dummy models that virtually simulate the behavior of anthropomorphic test dummies used in crash testing to evaluate human injuries.

FE dummy models are virtual representations of their respective physical crash test dummy. The FE dummy models are created to simulate the behavior of a crash dummy in motor vehicle and pedestrian collisions, as well as for aircraft, rail, and military applications. The goal is to record as much data as possible for the dummy responses such as accelerations, forces, and displacements during an impact collision to determine injury risks. The predictive capabilities of finite element analysis (FEA) allow engineers to fully analyze a crash event in a virtual environment. This potentially saves significant costs by better understanding vehicle and restraint performance upfront, thereby reducing the number of physical tests to be executed.

Why FE Dummy Models?

Virtual Models

FE Dummy Models are virtual representations of physical dummies.

Simulated Crash Environment

Crash events are simulated on a computer instead of doing physical dummy testing.

Virtual Design Iterations

FE Dummy Models enables virtual design iterations saving development and certification costs.

Key Features

Aerospace and Military Dummies

Aerospace and military dummies cover a range of applications: aero seat design; study of injury risk; civilian aircraft testing; fixed wing and rotary; military parachutes; aircraft with crew ejection seat systems; and ballistic impact counter-measures. They are tools for the equipment developer to use to ensure the safe, effective use of their applicable products.

Automotive Dummies

Automotive dummies include: front-impact, side-impact, rear impact, and children dummy models. Testing with these dummies expanded the capabilities of the test engineer to help design vehicles to protect the occupants.

Pedestrian Dummies

Pedestrian dummies have been crucially important in the development of today's modern motor vehicle. Tests with these dummies have helped to dictate the frontal shape of the vehicle so that the effects of car-pedestrian impacts are mitigated to prevent injury and death.