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Flux Motor

Altair® FluxMotor®

e-Motor Topology Exploration and Multiphysics Optimization

FluxMotor is dedicated to addressing the global design of electric motors. It enables engineers to accelerate the design of machines, quickly explore a variety of configurations while considering multiphysics constraints, and select the most promising options within minutes.

FluxMotor’s intuitive environment allows users - from generalist to experts – to efficiently create, analyze, report, and optimize their electric motors.

Within a single environment, the new multiphysics capabilities enable designers to not only predict the electromagnetic performance of the motor, but also to optimize the cooling strategies and the NVH performance.

Why FluxMotor?

Efficient Design and Integration

Motor-dedicated and intuitive platform drives complementary engineering teams in a global workflow from design exploration to multiphysics optimization, while considering final system integration.

Front-loading Development Process

Addressing complex multiphysics design constraints from the concept phase enables design teams to make early strategic decisions impacting cost while still optimizing performance.

Fast, Accurate, and Comprehensive

A unique solution that offers accurate e-Motor analysis, considering electromagnetic performance, cooling strategies, and structural simulation in a single platform with competitive computation time.

Key Features

High Productivity Gains

Intuitive interface with an efficient multiphysics environment enables designers to explore more variants in less time and to focus on their main task: innovation.

Multiphysics Solution

FluxMotor uniquely offers complete and accurate e-Motor analysis considering electromagnetic performance, cooling strategies, and noise and vibrations simulations in a single platform.

Recognized Accuracy

Coupling over 35 years of Altar® Flux® experience in finite element motor modeling with Altair’s esteemed expertise in multiphysics analysis, FluxMotor delivers results that engineers trust.

Efficient Reports and Comparisons

Customizable reports features maps and complete data sheets are automatically edited. Embedded comparator helps to make informed choices by selecting most performant machines.

Strong Optimization Capabilities

Predicts machine performance at several working points or over a complete duty cycle to meet multiphysics requirements, even in the early design stage.

Seamless Connectivity

Simplified access to advanced multiphysics analysis, system integration, and optimization, with the ability to automate customized scenario with Altair’s integrated solution.

Altair FluxMotor Workflow

  1. Automated Tests and Reports
  2. e-Motor Concept Quick Design
  3. Multiphysics Analysis and Optimization
  4. e-Motors Comparison and Ranking
  5. Model Export to Altair Flux

Featured Resources

Simulation Fosters Stronger Customer Collaboration and Develops New Business

Bental Motion Systems, a member of the Gevasol Group, produces a variety of end applications including motors, alternators, and electrical brakes for the aerospace & defense, and semiconductor industries. To accelerate the design of electric machines while reacting fast to customer specific requirements, Bental uses Altair FluxMotor to enable quick concept exploration including valuable predictions on machine performance, parameters, and productivity feasibility checks.

Customer Stories

Developing Sustainable Motors - Designing E-Motors Independent of Rare Earth Metals with Altair Solutions

Permanent magnet motors are widely used in the development of electric vehicles (EVs). However, these devices are based on expensive, hard-to-recycle rare earth materials. Wanting to explore new boundaries in electric motor design and production, Spin started a project focused on replacing rare earths materials in these motors. To develop a more sustainable motor without using rare earth-based permanent magnets while still ensuring efficiency and meeting performance targets, Spin needed a tool that allowed them to study, evaluate, and improve every possible aspect of the motor’s behavior and performance before building a prototype. Thanks to the Altair® HyperWorks® platform and its multiphysics analysis capabilities, the Spin team made significant progress in developing a new, highly efficient product: the synchronous reluctance motor.

Customer Stories
e-motor design for automotive

Accelerating Electric Motor Design with a Common Parts Strategy

Electrification is revolutionizing how engineers design for mobility. Adopting a common parts design approach that integrates and reuses components and strategies within a unified design and simulation platform ensures e-motor designs achieve the optimal balance between efficiency, performance, sustainability, and cost. Altair e-Motor Director combines multiphysics optimization with data-driven design in an automated and customizable design environment that reduces development time to hours and days instead of weeks and months.

Product Overview Videos

Design and Optimization of Synchronous Motors for Aeronautical Electromechanical Actuators

The comprehensive design process of a typical engine for this application developed by Heroux-Devtek Spain will be presented, from the derivation of requirements for the engine from a high-level specification to functional bench testing. Special attention will be paid to the design, development, optimization, and verification processes of the functional capabilities of said engine using the Altair tools FluxMotor, HyperStudy, and Flux2D. High temperature environments impact on winding, isolation materials, and electronics will be addressed as a starting point of new challenges increasingly demanded by the industry.

Marta Ocaña, Senior Multi-Physics Simulation Engineer | Héroux-Devtek
David Camacho Pernil, Junior Electromagnetic Simulation Engineer | Héroux-Devtek
Presented at the ATCx Electrification for Engineers in September 2023, 14 mins

The presentation is in English by default.

ATCx Electrification 2023