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Insight+ by VI-grade

Vehicle NVH Software

Insight+ analysis and playback allows users to calculate, listen to, and modify individual noise and vibration contributions from test data and/or CAE models in the full frequency range, bringing a realistic experience of noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) characteristics forward in the design process.

Insight+ creates the ability to efficiently consider test and CAE data together to assist engineers in better understanding NVH contributions early in the design process. With Insight+, users can source strengths, transfer functions, and contributions from test and CAE, which are evaluated in one "whole vehicle context" environment. Product functions include “listen to,” graph views, "what-if" changes, A/B comparison, and more. Insight+ is applicable throughout the development process from early target setting to final debugging and launch.

Why Insight+?

Test and CAE Data

Insight+ offers efficient use of test and CAE data together.

NVH Contributions

Insight+ allows users to understand NVH contributions early in the design process.

Engineering Changes

Auralise and analyze proposed engineering changes in the correct context.

Key Features

CAE Data Import

Users can import CAE data such as source strengths or transfer functions and listen to contributions synchronized for time, speed, or RPM.

Test-based Model Incorporation

Predicted source strengths and transfer functions quickly incorporate into test-based models.

Calculate Change Filters

Insight+ gives users the ability to calculate change filters as the ratio of two CAE-based models and apply them to test-based models.