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Laminate Analysis Program (LAP) by Anaglyph

Analysis and Design of Composite Material Laminates

LAP can be used to analyze any type of composite laminate subjected to in-plane loads and moments. Within LAP the flat laminate has no fixed size apart from its thickness, so that the analysis can be applied to any composite component, at a location where loadings or deformations are known. Typically, the software is used in preliminary design for tailoring a stacking sequence, then analyzing the composite component with other methods such as finite elements, and finally optimizing the design by inspecting the laminate behavior layer by layer.

Why LAP?

Proven Track Record

Based on Classical Laminate Theory, LAP is used to analyze any type of composite laminate subjected to in-plane loads and moments.

Universal Applicability

The simplicity of the analysis ensures universal applicability, since it is not limited by structural shape.

A Tool for All

The program's powerful features make it an ideal tool for the demanding expert, yet a newcomer to composites can complete simple tasks within minutes.

Key Features

Stress and Failure Calculations

Execute linear analysis functionality in LAP Basic module.

Nonlinear Stiffness Properties

An accurate picture of nonlinear laminate stiffness response given up to and beyond layer failure is provided.

Design Optimal Layups

Thorough investigation of the candidate stacking sequences to present a finite set to the user.

Notched Laminates Analysis

The Budiansky-Fleck-Soutis (BFS) failure criterion is used to calculate the unnotched as well as the notched longitudinal compressive strength for a laminate.

Multiple Loadings Supported

Curing, hygroscopic, thermal, and mechanical loadings are supported. Their effects can be viewed in isolation instantly.

Manufacturing Deviations Included

The effects of manufacturing deviations from the nominal fibre volume fraction can be uniquely included.