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Empowering Tomorrow's Engineers: Altair Inspire's Role in Undergraduate Engineering Coursework and Research

Empowering Tomorrow's Engineers: Altair Inspire's Role in Undergraduate Engineering Coursework and Research

Presentation by Dr. Marko Lubarda, Assistant Teaching Professor at UC San Diego as part of Altair's Future.Industry 2024 conference.

This presentation will focus on the use of Altair Inspire in undergraduate engineering coursework and research. A case study is discussed where students used Altair Inspire for modeling and simulation in an extracurricular research project, which culminated in their co-authorship of two research papers. The talk will also reflect on the application of Altair Inspire in the junior-level computer-aided analysis and design course, highlighting its role in providing practical CAD experience to students while also enhancing teaching. Plans to expand the use of Altair Inspire into foundational engineering courses such as statics, dynamics, and solid mechanics will also be outlined.

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