Altair physicsAI - AI for Design Evaluation
Shubhamkar Kulkarni, Product Specialist at Altair presents at the 2024 ATCx AI for Engineers conference.
In this session, we give an overview of how Altair physicsAI has delivered powerful results in a variety of domains including structural, crash and CFD applications. physicsAI can train using past simulation data, which usually get discarded, and even learn from existing physicsAI models, reducing the solver time spent on data generation. Once trained, physicsAI models can be easily shared as a single file which can then be deployed to make predictions on new CAD or mesh models with great accuracy and about 10-100x quicker than traditional FEM solvers. Working in tandem with our in-house tools such as HyperStudy, RADIOSS as well as other commercial solvers, a seamless solution for an optimized design can be developed and delivered.
Duration: 19 minutes
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