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Approaches to Deploy Breakage in Conjunction to the Discrete Element Method

Approaches to Deploy Breakage in Conjunction to the Discrete Element Method

Recent advances in particle breakage modelling, besides microscale population balance models (PBM) and the discrete element method (DEM) now make possible the simulation of crushing and grinding operations, besides mechanical degradation during handling using DEM. Depending on the type of application, different approaches may be used, including embedded breakage in DEM or describing it using the specially formulated PBM. In the heart of both resides the Tavares breakage model, which is a suite of mathematical equations that describe the different modes of fragmentation (body or surface), besides breakage probability, energy-dependent fragment distribution and weakening due to unsuccessful stressing events – all calibrated on the basis of bench-scale experiments. Examples of application of the different approaches to simulate degradation in chutes, ball and stirred mills, besides selected crushers, are presented.

Presented as part of the virtual ATCx DEM in November 2022.
Speaker: Dr. Luis Marcelo Marques Tavares I Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Duration: 40 minutes

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