Modeling of the Calendering Process for Lithium-Ion Batteries with DEM Simulation
David Schreiner, Research Associate from the Technical University of Munich presents as part of the 2020 ATCx DEM.
The development of novel active materials and compositions in lithium-ion battery electrodes is a main research focus due to the increasing DEM and for electric mobility. Calendering, as the final step in electrode production, is a critical process that significantly influences the mechanical and electrochemical properties of the electrode.
This presentation presents an approach using the Discrete Element Method (DEM ) and Altair EDEM software to predict the influence of calendering on the electrode material, composition, thickness and the machine behavior. Additional investigations provide guidelines for optimizing the process. All in all, a deep understanding of how the calendering process effects the electrodes is presented and forms the basis for further investigations.
Presentation Duration: 24 minutes