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Creating Tomorrow Panel: Innovating with AI-Powered Engineering

Creating Tomorrow Panel: Innovating with AI-Powered Engineering

Panel discussion presented as part of Altair's Future.Industry 2024 conference.

Dr. Fatma Kocer | VP Engineering Data Science, Altair
Martin Ortega Breña | Design Manager, Mabe
Carlos Lopes | Director of Advanced Engineering - Americas, Maxion Wheels
Dr. Donald Harby | Data Science and Machine Learning Engineer (Data Scientist), John Deere
Carsten Buchholz | Project Engineer - Hybrid Electric Flight Demonstrator, Rolls Royce

Engineering processes are fast evolving to a new paradigm of hybrid physics and data-driven modeling. Despite the focus on algorithm development for data science, the real challenge in this evolution is identifying value-added use cases and collecting the necessary data. This panel comprises four domain experts who have successfully worked through this challenge in their respective industries. We will ask what value they have identified for data-driven engineering, how they proceeded with their projects, how successes are measured, and how they envision the future of engineering data science. We also have an opportunity to get feedback on what they found helpful from Altair's offerings and collect their thoughts to shape our products.

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