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Designing Innovative Electric Actuation and Sensor Systems for Aero

Designing Innovative Electric Actuation and Sensor Systems for Aero

Crouzet designs mechatronics components, some of which are electric motors and magnetic circuits for sensors for demanding applications, especially in Aerospace. Therefore, in order to find the best solution to reach high performances while keeping the weight and dimensions as low as possible, we need to simulate electromagnetic designs and find methods to efficiently optimize the designs.

A configurable model is always necessary to optimize the design, based on geometrical and physical parameters by creating parametric studies, which then allows enhancing motors efficiency and sensors accuracy.

Python scripts and batch solving are also very important to shorten the required time for the simulation; and they allow testing and the comparison of several configurations which cannot be compared by simple parametric studies (such as different technologies and major design changes).

Presented by Valentin Bourgeat, Electromechanical Engineer | Crouzet at the ATCx Electrification for Engineers in September 2023, 14 mins

The presentation is in English.

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