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Developing defect free casting component using virtual validations for GDC

Developing defect free casting component using virtual validations for GDC

The filling and solidification process of molten metals are very complex in nature and the phenomenon of these process lead to casting defects.​  The defects like shrinkage cavity, porosity, cold shut, and sink, etc. should be identified, and at the same time, there should be a solution to overcome that prior to going for manufacturing.​  There should be an alternate approach for addressing these issues before manufacturing and an alternate approach should be fast, reliable, and user-friendly.​  The shown casting part made of SS304 and having Porosity defects inside it, which weaken the part structurally and creating problems at the functional area.​So, with the help of Inspire Cast identified porosity as well as overcome it up to a useable extent.​

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