Digital Twin Recipe: The Ingredients of a Smart, Connected Ecosystem

The definition of digital twin, since it was first coined in 2010 originated from NASA to improve physical-model simulation of spacecraft, has been subject to many interpretations at various levels. At Altair, we have first-hand experience implementing Digital Twin across the system life cycle. In this presentation, we will discuss how Altair uniquely enables an open architecture based, vendor agnostic Digital Twin practice integrating multiple data streams across the enterprise from requirements to in-service data connecting physics-based models with data assimilated from inspection and sensors.
Presented by Alice Ristorto I Solutions Specialist-Data Analytics I Altair, at the ATCx AI for Engineers in July 2023: 18 mins
The presentation is in English by default. The following languages are available by clicking on Audio Description ('AD') on the video screen: CN, KR, JP, ES, and PT.