Panel Discussion: Future of AI in Product Design
The simulation-driven design changed product development forever, enabling engineers to reduce design iterations and prototype testing. Increasing scientific computing power expanded the opportunity to apply analysis, making large design studies possible within the timing constraints of a program. Now engineering data science is transforming product development again.
Augmented simulation features inside CAE tools are accelerating the design decision process with machine learning. The power of ML-based AI-powered Engineering combined with physics-based simulation-driven design leveraging the latest in high-performance computing is just being realized. While predictive data analytics techniques long associated with business-centric data are being aggressively deployed on asset-centric data to enhance manufacturing, warranty, and testing performance.
The panel explores the current state of the art of engineering data science and the adoption of augmented simulation, AI-powered Engineering, and predictive data analytics.
Moderated by Dr. Carsten Bange, Founder and CEO of Business Application Research Center (BARC) GmbH, the panel includes Dr. Fatma Kocer, VP of Engineering Data Science, Anthony McLoughlin, VP of Sales Data Analytics, Christian Kehrer, Business Development Manager System Modeling, and Marco Fliesser of Altair. The discussion is about 35 minutes long, and was aired during Future.AI in June 2021.