Panel Discussion - Women in Data Analytics and AI
As women are becoming increasingly represented in male-dominated fields like engineering, data analytics remains a sector where women have not historically pursued careers. While 59% of the American workforce are female, within data and analytics less than 17% of all roles are filled by women, even though many are completing degrees related to data and statistics.
It is evident that all companies need more qualified candidates in their workforce and more needs to be done in the way of education programs, conferences, and campaigns, to inspire more women to use the statistical and technology degrees they have earned to fill skills gaps. AI algorithms are susceptible to bias, so building them requires a team that includes a wide range of views and experiences.
This session explores the opportunities and challenges for women in data analytics and serve as a catalyst to explore more conversations around the advancements of women in data analytics.
The panelists for this discussion hosted by Altair VP for Corporate Development Stephanie Buckner, are Anima Anandkumar, Director of ML research at NVIDIA and Bren Professor at Caltech, Aiko Yamashita, Senior Data Scientist for the Centre of Excellence at DNB Bank, and Sabina Stanescu, Director Product Management for Data Analytics at Altair. The panel discussion is about 37 minutes long, and was presented during Future.AI in June 2021