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Simplify Your 3D Models: Collaborative Engineering From Design to CAE and Downstream Processes

Simplify Your 3D Models: Collaborative Engineering From Design to CAE and Downstream Processes

Increasing digitalization and global value-added networks have a strong impact on collaborative engineering. Companies are facing large amounts of data that need to be stored securely, transferred efficiently between partners, customers, suppliers, etc., and handled in various tools in defined business and engineering processes. 3D data is playing an important role as a communication medium throughout the entire product lifecycle - from conceptual design to downstream processes including CAE analyses, manufacturing, and after-sales - and therefore requires reliable IP protection. The value of 3D product information is even increased through approaches like Model-Based Enterprise and Model-Based Systems Engineering. This 20-minute webinar, demonstrates how 3D models serve as a key enabler for successful digitalization in heterogeneous system landscapes and efficient reuse of CAD data in CAE analyses and downstream processes as only the necessary information are processed. This webinar features CADdoctor by Elysium, available through the Altair Partner Alliance.

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