Using Granular Material Simulation in the Digital Prototyping of Commodity Processing and Handling Equipment

The production of agricultural commodities is a multi-billion dollar industry in Canada representing nearly 7% of the national GDP. While the food production system is complex and specific to each type of product grown, challenges in processing, handling, and storing agricultural commodities occur throughout the value chain.
Significant benefits and insights have been derived from the ability to model the interactions between granular particles in systems in the value chain. Two case studies from industry are presented where the effects of the geometry of bulk grain storage and processing equipment are considered. In one case, detailed insights were developed about the variation in bulk properties due to filling and storage details. In a second case, geometric design details were optimized virtually during the development of novel processing equipment. This resulted in improved performance and reduced physical prototyping costs.
Presented at the ATCx Heavy Equipment in May 2021.
Speaker: Ian Paulson, Technical Services Lead – Simulation and Numerical Modeling
Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI)
Duration: 20 minutes