Workload Management for Exascale Computing
The power of exascale is scaling up discovery and speeding innovation. Exascale computing is enabling new insight in areas like weather prediction, climate modeling, drug discovery, precision medicine, aeronautics, and space science, just to name a few. Powerful computing hardware — like the Aurora exascale supercomputer at Argonne National Laboratory — requires powerful software tools, and with exascale it’s more critical than ever to manage workloads efficiently. PBS Professional delivers automated job scheduling, management, monitoring, and reporting, and it runs big — 50,000 nodes in one cluster, 10,000,000 jobs in a queue, and 1,000 concurrent active users. It also runs fast — 10,000,000 jobs per hour end-to-end throughput and 10-second end-to-end run for a single 4,000+ node job. Many of the world’s biggest computing systems rely on PBS Professional to manage complex, demanding workloads.