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Workshop: Using Simulation-Driven Design from Concept Development to Final Design

Workshop: Using Simulation-Driven Design from Concept Development to Final Design

Simulation continuity is one of the benefits of using a unified simulation platform. This means that users can easily switch between different platforms and solvers without having to start over from scratch. Same solver in Inspire and SimLab.

Another key benefit of using a unified simulation platform is that it allows users to choose the right tool for the right job. For example, if a user needs to simulate Generative Design, one can use Inspire for Upfront design. If a user needs Multiple physics, then you can use SimLab for the validation of the design.

Ujwal Patnaik - Director, Product Strategy - Altair
Presented as part of the virtual ATCx Simulate at Speed of Design on June 28, 2023.
Duration: 21 mins

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