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Self-service ETL is real. It’s called data prep.

As an analyst, waiting on a formal ETL process to gain access to necessary data can be a deal breaker. If ETL is part of your daily reality, then you know it can take anywhere from one month to 24 months for IT to extract, transform and load the critical data you need to effectively do your job.
What if you didn’t have to wait for IT?
What if you could access, clean and prepare the data you need yourself within hours?
It doesn’t require a magic wand. All you need is self-service data prep.
These days, 80% of an analyst’s time is spend extracting, cleaning and prepping the data from disparate sources. But with data prep, you can spend that time analyzing the information to gain important business insights instead.
While the self-service data preparation market is growing 17% every year and is expected to become a billion-dollar market by 2019*, it still seems to be one of the best kept secrets around. Yet for companies that have seen the light, it’s hard for them to imagine ever going back to their manual prepping ways.
As an example of the agility that self-service data prep can bring, one large healthcare company received a request from a partner to send them data in a particular format.  This request included the names of the 44 columns of information they wanted. Upon receipt of this request the business went to IT who told them they could accommodate 42 of the 44 fields, but that the other 2 fields would need to be ETL’d into the data warehouse. And it would take about 5-6 months. Upon hearing this the business asked for the 42 columns and used Altair Monarch to extract the other 2 fields from exisiting PDF reports. They delivered the report to the partner that same day!
While ETL still has its place for long-term projects, self-service data prep can complement ETL by giving you the control, ownership, agility and speed to access critical data and accelerate your time to decision making.
*Gartner Group, Forecast Snapshot: Self-Service Data Preparation, Worldwide, February 2016