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Coustyx by Advanced Numerical Solutions

High-performance Acoustic Analysis Software

Coustyx is a state of the art acoustic analysis software developed with funding from the National Science Foundation for computing sound fields. Coustyx uses the fast multipole method (FMM) and advanced boundary element method (BEM) formulations to yield fast, accurate solutions to acoustic field problems over a wide frequency range.

Why Coustyx?

Large Models

Integration of BEM with FMM allows Coustyx to handle very large problems (>1 million DOFs) across a wide frequency range without running into memory issues.

Accurate Solutions

Sound fields computed by Coustyx are extremely accurate. Coustyx solutions are validated extensively with theory and experiment.

Wide Variety of Applications

Coustyx can solve a wide class of problems from personalized 3D audio (HRTF), designing musical instruments, to tuning muffler systems.

Key Features

Mesh/Data Interfaces to CAE Software

Coustyx can import mesh and vibration data from several CAE software; Altair® OptiStruct®, Nastran (.bdf, .op2), Abaqus (.odb), Ansys, and universal file formats.

Robust BEM Formulations

BEM formulations include Helmholtz Integral Equation Collocation, Burton Miller Variational, and Indirect Variational Formulations to address a wide class of problems.

Wide Selection of Boundary Conditions

A number of boundary condition options are available to model all real life situations: specified velocity, pressure, impedance, transfer matrices, discontinuous, perforated plate, etc.

Built in ISO Standards for Sound Power

Coustyx provides outputs for sound pressure, sound power (ISO 3744, ISO 3745, ISO 9614), sound intensity, muffler transmission loss, and more.

High-performance Computing (HPC) Parallelization

Coustyx runs on multiple nodes of a HPC cluster (MPI parallelization). On each compute node, it uses all cores (multithreading) to deliver fast solutions.

Built-in Acoustic Sources

Built-in lumped acoustic sources; monopole, dipole, quadrupole, plane wave, and cylindrical wave can be readily used to model sound sources.