欢迎来到无摩擦 AI 时代

没有人怀疑数据和人工智能(AI)转型力量,但太多企业的数据和 AI 项目因为不必要的摩擦而失败。无论是组织上的、技术上的还是财务上的原因,摩擦都会夺走你团队辛苦获得的时间、收益、生产力和潜力。通过 Altair 无缝的数据和 AI 解决方案,你可以将摩擦留在过去。

2023年无摩擦 AI 全球调研报告

这份基于数据的全面调研报告探讨了企业如何采用数据和 AI 战略、三种主要的摩擦类型、摩擦对组织的影响等内容。


无摩擦 AI 的关键洞察

AI 的阻力:三个关键性摩擦

在这份信息图中,了解三种主要的数据和 AI 摩擦类型(组织、技术和财务)对组织和团队造成的严重影响。了解更多

为什么数据和 AI 项目会失败?

全球范围内,有太多组织的数据和 AI 战略失败了。找出原因以及我们可以采取的对策。了解更多

实现无摩擦 AI:何时、何地、如何做

实现无摩擦的 AI 战略是下一代创新的关键。了解当今组织如何打造创新的数据和 AI 计划。 了解更多

Altair 数据和 AI 解决方案让摩擦成为过去。


Altair 无摩擦 AI

了解 Altair 如何简化您的数据和 AI 之旅。


无摩擦 AI 的实际应用

Enabling Data Science at Avery Dennison

In this presentation, Karan Bedi, Senior Digital Innovation Lead at Avery Dennison, takes us through the company's Data Science journey. He discusses how Avery Dennison works with data today and what their goal is with regards to democratizing data science. He introduces RapidMiner, an end-to-end data science platform now part of Altair, and explain how they are using it.

This presentation was part of the 2nd Altair Northern UK Seminar and was filmed live in Newcastle, UK in December 2022.

Speaker: Karan Bedi, Senior Digital Innovation Lead, Avery Dennison
Duration: 18 minutes

Conference Presentations

50 Ways to Impact Your Business with AI

Identifying potentially impactful use cases is one of the most cited roadblocks for organizations seeking to leverage AI in their business. To complicate things further, best practices dictate that you should have a portfolio of use cases ready to experiment with. If finding one is a challenge, developing a whole portfolio of use cases may prove to be very difficult.

In this guide, we'll cover:

  • A wide variety of AI applications for enterprises
  • The challenges that led each business to seek help from AI & machine learning
  • The advanced solutions that were built and deployed to overcome each challenge
  • The documented financial impact experienced by each client
Future.Industry 2023 Data Analytics presentation

Altair Expert: Altair + RapidMiner Means Frictionless AI

Dr. Ingo Mierswa, Senior Vice President of Product Development at Altair, shared how Altair + RapidMiner removes the friction between people, data, and the business impact AI should have.

In this session you will learn how Altair RapidMiner:

Accelerates users from concept to production by offering AutoML, visual workflows, and coding for all aspects of data science in a single, seamlessly integrated platform

Modernizes established data analytics environments such as SAS and Python

Caters to enterprise needs in a seamless, future-proof way with desktop and cloud offerings

Presented as part of Altair's 2023 Future.Industry conference.

The presentation is in English by default.  The following languages are available by clicking on Audio Description 'AD))' on the video screen: DE, ES, FR, IT, ES, PT, KO, and CN.

Duration: 20 minutes

Future.Industry 2023

A Leader's Guide to Building a Data-Driven Culture

If you have mountains of data at your fingertips that you're not using, you risk falling behind your competition. But, if you actively work toward becoming a more data-driven organization and closing the pervasive data science skills gap, you can promote internal alignment around how data is used, make a tangible impact with AI, and come out on top. The best time to start optimizing how data is viewed and used at your organization is right now, and in this whitepaper, we're going to walk you through how to do just that.

White Papers

与数据和 AI 摩擦说再见

让我们携手合作,打造您的下一代数据和 AI 战略。
