Altair® HPCWorks®
強大的運算助力研發增速,Altair® HPCWorks® 使高效能與雲端運算變得快速且提高有效產出 - 無論您的資源是在本地、雲端還是混合環境中。您需要專業地管理 IT 覆雜性並支援最新的 AI 工作負載,使用成本控制、系統高可靠和遠端可視化等功能,使工作與您的業務優先級保持一致。Altair HPCWorks 運算平台為科學、製造、晶片設計等領域中關鍵的 HPC 和高吞吐量工作負載提供支援。
HPC 與模擬及資料分析的融合正在創造更多的創新機會,我們與頂尖企業和用戶合作,提供更新技術並實現未來革命性的創新。

由於並非所有工作負載都相同,因此 Altair HPCWorks 專為滿足各種運算需求而構建,旨在讓主管、管理員和最終用戶的工作更加輕鬆。借助豐富的工具來訪問、控制和優化運算資源,用戶可以在任何地方進行協作,控制成本,在本地和雲端資源之間無縫移動,並透過詳細的監控和報告資料做出更好的決策。
Altair HPCWorks 解決方案可優化運算並為用戶提供工具,使他們能夠專注於核心工作,無論您的企業運行小型叢集、在雲端執行算甚至是維護世界上最大的資料中心。
請聯繫我們,了解 Altair 如何滿足您的運算需求。
聯絡我們全方位 HPC 解決方案
“透過與 Altair,我們在短短幾週內導入了 HPC 雲端架構,並且沒有影響用戶的業務連續性。新的基礎設施使我們的團隊能快速高效地完成關鍵的工程任務,而無需擔心運營本地資料中心的麻煩。”
Mauro Bighi,PUNCH 集團資訊長 | 閱讀完整案例
探索如何使用 Altair HPCWorks 優化您的運算環境
了解更多Altair HPCWorks 平台精選產品
模擬、HPC 與 AI 的融合
隨著創新步伐加快,Altair 正幫助企業透過數位孿生、智慧模型,以及模擬、HPC 與人工智慧 (AI) 的融合來預測並優化系統結果。了解如何透過 Altair One™ 和 Altair Units 存取所有 Altair 解決方案。
立即體驗 Altair 的 HPC 和雲端軟體。

Inphi Corporation Speeds Up Semiconductor Design with Altair Accelerator
Inphi produces high-speed semiconductor components and optical subsystems that enable big data to move quickly throughout the globe, both inside data centers and between broadly distributed computing facilities. In today’s competitive semiconductor design and electronic design automation (EDA) industry, winning organizations leverage high-performance computing (HPC) and high-end design software to stay ahead of the game. As these tools are often expensive, maximizing utilization to ensure the design and development process runs quickly and efficiently — and that everything stays within budget — is the key to delivering innovative technologies to market faster than competitors. The team at Inphi understands the importance of HPC and EDA software performance optimization better than most. They evaluated several competing solutions before selecting Altair Accelerator, which stood out among the competition for superior performance and Altair’s reputation for excellent customer service.

It's Your Choice: Open Source or Commercial HPC Software - Six Points to Consider When Weighing the Pros and Cons
Open-source software celebrates principles such as open exchange, collaborative participation, transparency, and meritocracy. At their best, open-source projects are agile, well-supported, and responsive to changing user requirements. Customers benefit from high-quality, freely available software. Altair is a major supporter of open-source software and collaboration with efforts that include Altair Exchange, OpenPBS, and OpenRadioss.
But open source also carries risks. For active, well-supported projects, open-source software can be of high value, but not every project fits these categories. Open-source projects can also carry significant risks to the business including projects that may whither and die, excessive project forking, lack of documentation, and quality concerns. The trick is to balance the risks and rewards and make an informed decision about where best to deploy open-source software.

Designing Safer Automobiles – Subaru Migrates HPC to the Cloud with Altair and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Subaru puts safety first by practicing human-oriented manufacturing, and the company's goal is to achieve zero fatal traffic accidents by 2030 – a goal they're using high-performance computing (HPC) to achieve. Subaru has long maintained its own HPC environment for simulation, but as computational processing requirements increased, they ran into a shortage of power and space for expansion. After initially exploring a private cloud, Subaru investigated public cloud options and selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) with workload management by Altair PBS Professional. The move was a large-scale operation that was completed in around six weeks – a significantly shorter deployment time than the 3-4 months it would typically take to expand an on-premises HPC environment. In addition to performance optimizations like increasing per-node memory capacity, the Subaru team reduced the amount of data transfer required by setting up remote preprocessing.