Altair Global Technology Conference 2020
Whether an engineer or designer or IT director or data scientist, there’s an explorer in each of us. At the intersection where data analytics, simulation, and high-performance computing converge, the 12th Annual Global Altair Technology Conference (ATC) is where we brought together the brightest minds around the world to share breakthrough digital discoveries and industry-first innovations, all while continuing to explore solutions for a smarter, more connected world.
Below is the collection of presentations from the Global ATC 2020 Virtual Event.

Hear from our Keynote Speakers
The Future of Engineering Education
Dr. Mary Boyce
Dean Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University
The Future Needs Computational Science and Engineering
Professor Karen Willcox
Director of the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas at Austin
The Future of AI is Empathetic
Dr. Rana el-Kaliouby
Co-founder and CEO, Affectiva

Altair Featured Speakers
It’s Time to Stop Operating in the Margins and Harness the Full Potential of Simulation Dr. Royston Jones, CTO
The Future of Design, Simulation and Optimization
Dr. Ming Zhou, Senior Vice President, Software Development
The Future of Smart Devices
Peter Darnell, VP, Software Development
Analytics in a No-Code World
Mark Do Couto, VP Worldwide Data Analytics Outside Sales
The Future of HPC
Dr. Bill Nitzberg, CTO, PBS Works
The Future of Operational Analysis
Bruce Zulu, Director of Technical Support, Panopticon
Complementing State of the Art Simulation Methods with Highly Specialized Solutions under Altair’s Partner Alliance for Multidisciplinary Learning
Dr. Armin Veitl, Senior Director Global Academic Programs

Panel Discussions
Data Driven Enterprise
Joshua Patterson, Sr. Director of Engineering, NVIDIA
Dr. Carsten Bange, Founder and CEO, BARC
Juan Orlandini, Chief Architect, Cloud and Data Center Transformation, Insight
Carsten Buchholz, Capability Lead Structural Systems Design, Rolls Royce
Sam Mahalingam, CTO, Altair
Applying Digital Twin
Tony Shakib, Partner/GM, Microsoft Azure IoT
Prof. Karen Willcox, University of Texas at Austin
Jim Morrish, Founder and CEO, Transforma Insights
James Dagg, CTO, Altair
The Future of Technology... Transforming Knowledge to Solutions
Dr. Rana el-Kaliouby, Affectiva
Dr. Mary Boyce, Dean Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University
Dr. Christopher Borroni-Bird, Founder, Affreecar
Jason Williamson, Vice President, Oracle for Startups and Oracle for Research
Ubaldo Rodriguez, Senior Vice President, Global Sales, Altair

Healthcare and Our Well-being
Pursuing the Human Digital Twin: Personalized Medicine and Medical Devices
Dr. Mark Palmer, Distinguished Scientist, Medtronic
Simulation in the Field of Implantable Cardiovascular Devices
Steven Ford, Principal Engineer, Edwards Lifesciences
Integrating Simulation and 3D Printing to Develop Patient Specific Medical Devices
Dr. Scott J. Hollister, Director Center for 3D Medical Fabrication, GA Tech
The Role of Simulation in Medical Device Innovation
Dr. Venkat Perumal, Stryker Global Technology Center

Cleaner, Faster, and Safer Mobility
Ducati Digital Process Innovation
Stefano Rendina, IT Manager, Ducati
Safety and Lightweight of Electric Vehicles: From the Lithium-ion Battery Perspective
Dr. Jun Xu, Asst. Prof. Dir. of Vehicle Energy & Safety Laboratory (VESL), The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Smarter Decision Making Driven By Technology
Technology-driven Decisions and the Importance of Expertise
Kevin Kirtley, Executive Lead, GE Aviation Advanced Design Tools, GE Aviation
Convergence of Engineering and Data Science
Carsten Buchholz, Capability Lead Structural Systems Design, Rolls Royce
Climbing Data Mountains
Janet Grimsley, VP, Business Intelligence, The Fauquier Bank
Compare Model Attributes and Results between Variants and Document/Report Results
Sagar Rajbhandari,
Head of Airframe Models, Airbus

Work and Life: Connected and Augmented
Using LED Lighting to Unlock Data
Daniel Hollenkamp Jr., Chief Operating Officer, Toggled
CNH Industrial Paves the Way for the Evolution of Numerical Simulations in the Era of Autonomous Driving Testing in Agriculture
Gennaro Monacelli, Global Senior Director at CNH Industrial

Academic Track
Re-imagining Industry Academia Technology Partnerships in the New Normal
Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Shahir Liew, Institution: Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Project Based Learning in Partnership with University and Industry
Dr. Christian Götz, DHBW Stuttgart
Virtual Project-Based Learning Involving CAE
Clive Hands, Lecturer, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa

Startup Track
Inc. Magazine Interview: From Start-up to Publicly Traded, Lessons I Learned Along the Way
Jim Scapa,
CEO and Founder, Altair
Burt Helm, Editor-at-large, Inc. Magazine
Afreecar: Empowering the Whole World
Dr. Christopher Borroni-Bird, Founder, Afreecar LLC
Modelling and the Future of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Dr. Fernando Muzzio, Rutgers University

The Future of...
Materials in Simulation Applus DatapointLabs
Powertrain Electrification AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies
Automotive Multi-body Dynamic Simulations ChassisSim Technologies
Digital End-to-End Engineering Process and Its Interoperability Elysium Co. Ltd.
Fatigue and Durability Analysis HBM Prensica
Materials Information in Industry and Emerging Technologies Key to Metals AG
Fatigue Life Prediction Magna Powertrain
NVH Simulations MATELYS Research Lab
Design Optimization for Additive Manufacturing Materialise
More Responsible Foundry Industry NovaCast Systems AB
Plastics Simulation PART Engineering
Thermal Management ThermoAnalytics Inc.