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SAS programming displayed as a graphic and demonstrating that Altair SLC can compile and execute SAS language code.

Migrate to Altair’s Complete, High-Performance SAS Language Environment

Run your SAS language programs and incorporate Python, R, and SQL into your workflows

Altair SLC™, our SAS language compiler lets you write and run programs written in SAS without using any other software. Build sophisticated machine learning, data preparation, and data transformation models quickly. Reduce your costs and maintain your existing library of SAS code and develop new models in SAS, Python, and/or R — or use our visual workflow to build models without needing to write any code.

IDE for SAS, Python, R, and SQL

The Altair® RapidMiner® platform offers a fully integrated development environment (IDE) designed specifically to handle SAS, Python, R, and SQL programs. It supports straightforward drag-and-drop control over code blocks and allows you to:

  • Create, maintain, and run SAS language programs at reduced cost.
  • Redeploy existing SAS language programs as needed to the cloud, mainframes, on-premises servers, and hybrid environments.
  • Incorporate Python, R, and SQL code into SAS language programs.
  • Exchange data seamlessly between different parts of a program.
  • Pass the output generated by SAS code to R, Python, and/or SQL modules and vice versa.
  • Export visual workflows as SAS language programs.
A female programmer writes SAS language code using Altair software, which can compile and run SAS code without using software licenses from any other company.

The Three M’s: Match, Mix, Modernize

Manage your migration in phases or as a single project

Match: Retain your current infrastructure for your existing SAS language programs, whether you’re on a mainframe, on-premises, or in the cloud.

Mix: Incorporate Python and R code into your data analytics infrastructure. Combine existing SAS code with new code written in the language(s) of your choice, or build components with our intuitive, no-code visual interface.

Modernize: Lift and shift your SAS language programs to the cloud, to a new mainframe, to a new on-premises platform, or go with a hybrid approach.

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A female development engineer works at a large monitor displaying SAS, Python, and R language code, which she is combining into a single AI workflow to analyze medical data.

Matrix Programming

Use the Altair RapidMiner platform to conduct advanced matrix manipulation and develop algorithms using SAS and R. The platform supports the IML procedure (PROC IML) syntax of the SAS language (sometimes referred to as IML language). Code matrix programming statements in a SAS program using natural mathematical syntax to create custom algorithms, read and write datasets, and control the flow of programs. Use the IML syntax to transfer matrices from the IDE to and from R environments for further processing.

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