
Next Best Action

Next best action (NBA) is highly tailored, customer-centric marketing where firms offer products of special interest to customers and/or contact customers via the most effective communication channels at the right time. Our solutions team builds analytical models that discover when, where, and how customer engagement finds the NBA and finds the best time to deliver relevant offers. With our solutions:

  • Generate product and channel propensity scores that enhance customer profiles to shape marketing campaigns
  • Use analysis insights to choose the most relevant next-best-product and next-best-communication channel

Managing Dissatisfaction

Customer contact often happens when a customer is dissatisfied with service. Use our next best recommendation (NBR) models to help staff offer aggrieved customers the best possible offer or resolution outcome.

Overlay other models to inform staff how best to proceed, which provides visible customer insights on:

  • Potential monetary value
  • Network influence
  • Propensity to defect
  • Eligibility for specific offers
  • NBA

Deploy some NBA models in real-time to determine the best offer for the customer based on live interaction call data.

Optimizing NBA for Value

Analytic outputs from models that predict risk, loyalty and customer value are used as optimization inputs.

By using "What if?" parameters, analysis outputs ensure that the benefits of an upsell strategy outweigh the costs.

Solution Capabilities

  • Refine targeting by response propensity
  • Deliver relevant offers at the right time
  • Retain customers by offering relevant solutions
  • Shape response to live call data inputs
  • Resolve customer dissatisfaction with relevant offers
  • Tailor upsells and cross sell offers by NBA
  • Ensure spend is proportionate to potential ROI

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